If you would like to include Avery Church in your will or would like to set up a memorial fund to honor a loved one, our Stewardship and Finance Committee members, Blake McCormick Bowlin or Cindy Crisp can assist you.

Avery Church can be included in wills or in your estate plan by designating a fixed sum to go to the church as an endowment or to a memorial fund. Another option is to designate a percentage of the estate to go to Avery. As the value of the estate increases or decreases, the gift to Avery adjusts right along with the estate value. This may be important if spending down the value of your estate during retirement years.

Memorials can be either directed to a particular use, such as scholarships, evangelism, or to the Avery Enlightenment Fund which is used to upgrade the church’s infrastructure. For example, the new audio visual system in the sanctuary was funded from the Enlightenment Fund.

Please consider Avery in your advance estate planning. The Wills and Memorial Committee members would be happy to answer any questions you might have.