Avery Staff
Avery Church is led by a caring staff who are eager to meet you as you join us for worship, engage in our faith-based groups, or contribute to our community outreach activities.

Gary Fuller
Transitional Pastor
Phone: 402-681-5967
Email: [email protected]
Gary serves as Avery’s Transitional Pastor. He is a retired businessman and ordained minister who served as a transitional pastor for four other Nebraska churches or ministries when he was working full-time. He is passionate about equipping church members to be Great Commission Christians and church revitalization. Gary also serves as the Church Health Coordinator for the Great Plains Presbytery and works with the Church Health Team at the EPC national level. His wife, Nell, is an active Avery member and ministry partner.

Don Torbett
Director of Music Ministry and Youth Ministry
Phone: 402-218-0593
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Don has had a deep passion for music since he was young. He is so excited to share his love for Christ and music with Avery! Don grew up in Red Oak, Iowa and graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University with a degree in music.” He also is leading our Youth Group activities.

The Hispanic Leadership Team consists of eight members who are responsible for leading the Hispanic Services and shepharding the Hispanic members of the Avery Congregation. From left to right: Jesús Zarate, Rosy Salgado, Cesar Rodriguez, María Salgado, Inocenta Barrera, Jeremías Mendoza, Viridiana Pinto and Miguel Arce.

Jennifer (Jen) Byington
Office Administrator
Phone: 402-733-1104
Email: [email protected]
One of the many ways the Lord has blessed Avery is by sending us Jennifer. She’s been our office administrator since 2018 and pretty much keeps the ship afloat. Jen is a long time resident of Bellevue. You’ll find she is always helpful and cheerful when you visit our church office.

Bonnie Guinn
Email: [email protected]
The Avery family has been enjoying Bonnie’s amazing musical gifts since 1987. She began playing piano at age 9, the organ at 13 and then went on to major in both instruments at Wichita State University. Before coming to Bellevue, Bonnie played for churches in Kansas, Texas, Louisiana and California. She teaches piano lessons and is also an accompanist at Bryan High School.